News #11


September and October 2021 Site Update

Hello!! Hope you all are doing well. We are here to let you know about the stuff we have worked in the last 2 months.

New Logo:
Yay!!! The reason we replaced the previous one is that we found that new users had a hard time figuring out the name of the website. Hopefully, this will make a difference. I hope you like it as well.

Header Quick Search:
The quick search now shows both the series image and alternative titles. Also, there are some workflow changes around header search. Now you have to press the search icon to open the quick search dialog box.

New Chapters
New chapters will now show the series alternative titles as well. This feature was heavily requested.

Featured Chapters
Increased the total number of featured chapters from 6 to 8. People want more, but we believe that adding more chapters in featured section would undermine the importance of this section. So 8 it is!

Chapter Pages Background
For the light theme we have made the background a little darker. There were some complaints that light theme page background and actual page color which is mostly white were not easily differentiable.

90 New Series Added
We have added around 90+ new series in the last 2 months! We know these are rookie numbers, but it'll get better.

There's some overall design changes as well.

Keep reading manga and have fun!